Mallrat to Snapchat: The End of the Third Place

I’ll be having an exhibit of my photos of the dead Wayne Hills Mall. There’s also a story in the new issue of Weird NJ magazine about my adventure (pick it up at Jersey new stands or at

The End of the Third Place

November 29TH–January 12th
Opening reception: Friday November 29th, 7-9pm

Front Room Gallery
48 Hester St, NYC, 10002
More info and gallery hours:

art world

Cyclorama of Trump rally to be shown at Bushwick Open Studios

I went to the Trump rally in Cincinnati in August and will be installing a 360-degree walk-in photograph of the rally at Bushwick Open Studios on September 20-21 from 12-is 6pm. You can see it on the street in front of 12 Grattan Street.

Trump rally in Cincinnati, segment of full panoramic image

Trump rally in Cincinnati, segment of full panoramic image

Installation view, Nogales Cyclorama, Bushwick Open Studios, 2018

Installation view, Nogales Cyclorama, Bushwick Open Studios, 2018


“Ore Condenser” @ Front Room Gallery, Opening Sept 4th, 2019

“Ore Condenser,” Bisbee Arizona, 2018

FR:20, Part I, The Environment in Contemporary Photography

Opening Reception
Wednesday September 4th, 7-9pm

Exhibition runs September 4–October 13th

Front Room Gallery
48 Hester Street
New York, NY 10002
Gallery Hours Wed-Sun 1-6pm

with Sasha Bezzubov, Phillip Buehler, Jade Doskow, Sean Hemmerle, Stephen Mallon, Júlia Pontés, Ken Ragsdale, Paul Raphaelson, Ashok Sinha, Patricia Smith, Zoe Wetherall, and Edie Winograde

“Maspeth Salt Shed” at Front Room Gallery, opening June 29


Maspeth Salt Shed

Maspeth Salt Shed, 2018

Summer Sampler 2018 
Opening Reception
Friday June 29, 7-9pm

Exhibition runs June 29–July 29th

Front Room Gallery
48 Hester Street
New York, NY 10002
Gallery Hours Wed-Sun 1-6pm

with Sasha Bezzubov, Thomas Broadbent, Phillip Buehler, Jade Doskow, Peter Fox, Sean Hemmerle, Amy Hill, David Kramer, Jesse Lambert, Stephen Mallon, Sascha Mallon, Mark Masyga, Melissa Pokorny, Ross Racine, Ken Ragsdale, Paul Raphaelson, Emily Roz, Ashok Sinha, Patricia Smith, Joanne Ungar, Zoe Wetherall, and Edie Winograde

My (un)thinkable exhibit opens in Manhattan on Sept 8

NASA Complex 34

Complex 34, Cape Canaveral

I’ve been photographing remnants of the Cold War for 25 years and will be showing some of them in September at Front Room Gallery on the Lower East Side.

Photos are of the mothballed B-52s at the Airplane Graveyard in Arizona, abandoned Nike and Titan nuclear missile bases, launch pads at Cape Canaveral and bunkers at an abandoned NATO airbase in Germany. I’ll also be including a photo of the Fallout Shelter sign that was on my grammar school in the Bronx when we practiced “duck and cover” drills during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

You can see more photos in the galleries here – Airplane Graveyard, Cape Canaveral, Titan II Missile Base and Hahn Airforce Base.

The opening reception will be Friday night, September 8th. The show runs until October 1st.

“American Trilogy” at Spring/Break Art Show

installation view 2

Installation view of the exterior of “American Trilogy” at the Spring/Break Art Show

For the first time I showed more than one of my walk-in panoramas under the title, “American Trilogy.” It was curated by Larry Walczak. The show was held on the 22nd floor of #4 Times Square during Armory Art Week.

“American Trilogy: Ferguson” places viewers on the spot where Michael Brown was killed by police. I remembered the rioters, tear gas, military assault vehicles and rooftop snipers from the nightly news, but when I was there it was a quiet neighborhood, and on the line where he fell was a makeshift memorial of hundreds of stuffed animals, flowers and notes. The panorama was part of a Black Lives Matter event in Times Square in 2015 as well as installed in a Brooklyn public high school for Black History Month.

“American Trilogy: Arlington” places viewers in front of Muslim soldier Humanyun Saqib Khan’s headstone. His Gold Star parents spot at the Democratic National Convention and were mocked by then-candidate Donald Trump. On Khan’s headstone is the Muslim Star and Crescent and surrounding headstones have Jewish, Christian, Mormon and Buddhist symbols. The panorama was originally installed in Erie Pennsylvania, a red part of a swing state, the week before the Presidential election.

“American Trilogy: Washington” places viewers in front of the White House during the Women’s March on Washington, where they are surrounded by protest signs and a sea of pink pussy hats. It debuted at Spring/Break.


Interior of “American Trilogy: Washington” and two women viewing.

Detail of "American Trilogy: Washington, 2017"

Detail of “American Trilogy: Washington, 2017”

Happily, the exhibit received a lot of press. My favorite quotes were:

“He really seems to be on to something here–standing there looking out at the makeshift memorial for Brown, a black teenager who was unarmed when he was shot and killed by a white police officer, was really moving.” Nicole Disser, Bedford & Bowery

“We are living in unprecedented times. Sometimes, it helps to travel outside frames that are most familiar to us, the narratives we are spoonfed. Step into the panoramas of ‘American Trilogy’ and you just might walk out with a different perspective about a person, place, or cause you thought you knew all about.” Daniel Kessel, Bushwick Daily

“They are technical tours de force, but more importantly they are eloquent reminders of the obstacles facing contemporary America.” Robert Ayers, Ocula